Nothing is more important than your health. Money cannot buy it, but insurance can go a long way toward protecting it. If you have quality health insurance, you can have peace knowing that your medical expenses will be covered should you face an unexpected illness or injury. Best of all, federal laws prevent discrimination against your health or gender. That means you can no longer be turned down or forced to pay more money due to a pre-existing condition.
Enrolling in a qualified health plan is not only important, it is the law. Under the Affordable Care Act, everyone in Wisconsin must have health coverage. If you are not covered through work, Medicare, or Medicaid programs, you must purchase an individual health plan instead. At Gutman Insurance, we help you select a qualified health plan that fits your needs and budget.
2020 Annual Election Period
The Annual Election Period for ACA enrollment this year opens on November 1st, 2020, and closes on December 15th, 2020. This should not be confused with the Medicare Open Period of October 15th, 2020, to December 7th, 2020. During this time those that are uninsured and not on Medicare, can apply for new health insurance coverage, and currently insured subscribers can make changes to theirs.
As a reminder, you have to enroll by December 15th, 2020 in order to have a January 1st, 2021 effective date.
Wisconsin residents are privileged to have a few health insurers and plans to choose from. All plans offer certain core benefits, such as coverage for preventive care, but other details, such as deductibles and coinsurance, vary between providers. We can help you sift through the features of each plan and explain the fine print. We can also help you determine if you qualify for a special enrollment after the annual open enrollment period has closed.