We’ve all seen the commercials leading up to the Manitowoc Home Show. It’s sure to get your mind moving with ideas of ways to update and modernize your home. There’s no doubt that residents here are ready and waiting for spring to arrive. And, while you may not be all that interested in digging out the flower beds, you may be thinking about pools, fire pits, and fantastic days spend in your outdoor kitchen. If you plan to take on any of these experiences, your home insurance agent wants to know about it.
What’s the Big Deal?
Gutman Insurance has agents that want to help you to have the coverage your home needs. But, many times, homeowners don’t take the time to give us a heads up about the changes they make. That can pose a concern if you need to file a claim later.
Many times, the biggest concern lies in adding larger projects and value structures to your property. When you do this, you increase the amount of coverage your property needs You may increase it beyond the amount of coverage your policy offers. For the standard homeowner’s insurance policy, there is 10 percent of the value of your dwelling coverage available to over other structures. This includes sheds, garages, and decks for example. If you plan to add these on, it’s important to consider whether or not the value exceeds coverage.
What Projects to Think About
Items like retaining walls and rocks don’t do much to your home insurance. And, you should let us know about items like fire pits and outdoor kitchens. To give you a bit of help in making the right decisions about your home insurance coverage (and which projects make it on your to-do list), consider these tips. And, remember, your insurance agent in Manitowoc is always available to help you.
Adding a Garage
The addition of a garage, or the rebuilding of an existing garage, is a valuable investment. Many people in our area need larger garages to accommodate recreational vehicles, lawn equipment, and sports equipment. That’s fine. But, we encourage you to expand your coverage to meet this larger need.
Adding a Pool
Pools are a bit tricky. Of course, many of our residents will come to us with a simple question. “My son is ready for summer, but he’s begging for a pool. Should I do it?” The answer to that is yes, of course, you should. However, you have to factor in the cost of the risk here. Pools add more liability. Pool accidents, such as slips and falls, and even drownings, are a very big concern. Because of this, we need to verify that your home insurance policy offers enough liability coverage. We’re happy to talk to you about some options for keeping your family safe, too, such as fencing and gates.
A Deck and Fencing
Decks can be a great way to add more usable space to your home, but they, too add value. Fencing is a good thing for pet owners especially. It can help you to minimize neighbors from entering your property and offers more security.
We always recommend giving your home insurance agent at Gutman Insurance a call no matter what you are planning. We’ll see you at the home improvement and garden stores this spring – and don’t worry; you don’t have to worry about letting us know about new trees or plants. But give us a call about new structures you’re adding. We’re happy to help you to protect your home.